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UN- Disaster Management

 UN - Disaster   Management 

  ---#. Yokohama strategy --1994

---------#. Hyogo strategy  --------2005

---------#. Sendai framework ----2015

Introduction  of    UN-Disaster Management 

from 1990-- 2010

two decades .

# . Prevalance of traditional Approach prior\ to 1990s.

* In the traditional approach - modern no.have any kind of pre -disaster ,during disaster & Post disaster Prevention actually all authority can wait for hit the disaster of population .

#. Only fo-cous on emergency response 

#. Global give Ad- hac Response .

#. Modern technology & machinary did-not Recognised .

#.Un began to recognised modern method & technique .

#. Role of Environment & social economic development .

#. Un began motivate to deal with Environment deal with climate change as well 

#. Disaster Risk Reduction 

*. 1992-Rio Earth  summit 

is mother of Environment related convention which deal today sustainable development & reduce to demage life & property .

--UNFCCC-climate change convention 

--CBD-Conventional of Biological Diversity 

both Conventional have 21 Agenda 

This was the three outcome of rio earth summit .

#.first time when global was understand the change of Environment which are trigar disaster .

some disaster not responsible of god actually man- induced activity is responsible .

#. Three agencies will develop in the feild of  sustainable development .

UN Declared decades as -International Decades of Natural Disaster Reduction 

*. UN- will recognised the connection b\w

-----Industrial development 

-----Protection of our Environment 

-----Inccident of natural disaster 

# UN-began -World conferences on Disaster Risk Reduction . held on japan 

Result-----------------------------Three summit 




Play very important role in the feild of concept of disaster management . 

#. UN- suggested one & Only institution 


Part of USA which conduct second & third Strategy.

ok friends today we have done UN disaster management strategy.and next we would discuss ----- YOKOHOMA STRATEGY.


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