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  DISTRICT DISASTER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY ---- DDMA  #. Its headed by dist. collector [ IAS ]                                ------ Commisnnor                                -------- dupty collector  #. The elected representative of the local authority will be the co - chair person . #.Primary responsiblity of DDMA to carry out planning coordination & Implementation has been particular dist. #. & Ensure that with state plan & national plan . #.give the report to SDMA to NDMA & ALSO Ensure that national policy & plan & state policy & plan is imforced in dist.level . #. Local Authorities  will includes  *. panchayat raj institute [ PRI] *.Muncipal parties  *. These all work with DDMA play imported role in local authority . *. highly responsible for implementation of policy and plan in ground level . *. Because during disaster local & district DM first responsible . that;s why they required training resources as well. Click here to Download PDF of friend we

National level institute (NEC) & (SEC)

  National level institute  #.National Executive commite [NEC ) Functions Power and Functions of National Executive Committee (1) As per the section 10(1) of Disaster Management Act, 20015, the National Executive Committee shall assist the National Authority in the discharge of its functions and have the responsibility for implementing the policies and plans of the National Authority and ensure the compliance of directions issued by the Central government for the purpose of disaster management in the country. (2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions contained in sub-section (1), the National Executive Committee may-- Act as the coordinating and monitoring body for disaster management; Prepare the National Plan to be approved by the National Authority; Coordinate and monitor the implementation of the National Policy; Lay down guidelines for preparing disaster management plans by different Ministries or Departments of the Government of India and the State Aut

ND management policy 2009&2016 . Function of NDMA, Vision of the disaster management Act.

  Natioanal disaster management policy 2009 --This policy aims at:  (i) Promoting a culture of prevention, preparedness and resilience at all levels through knowledge, innovation and education; (ii) Encouraging mitigation measures based on technology, traditional wisdom and environmental sustainability;  (iii) Mainstreaming disaster management into the developmental planning process;  (iv) Establishing institutional and technolegal frameworks to create an enabling regulatory environment and a compliance regime;  (v) Ensuring efficient mechanism for identification, assessment and monitoring of disaster risks;  (vi) Developing contemporary forecasting and early warning systems backed by responsive and fail-safe communication with information technology support;  (vii) Ensuring efficient response and relief with a caring approach towards the needs of the vulnerable sections of the society;  (viii) Undertaking reconstruction as an opportunity to build disaster resilient structures and hab

Sendai framework --2015--2030valid for Action

  #. Sendai framework -- 2015--2030 valid for Action  #. is a target Part of UN --sustainable development agenda as well . #. its a non binding agreement amonge the member country . #. Sendai framework focus three moninor Core Principle .     ------ Disaster risk reduction . ----------Reducing losses . ----------State ---------NGO                       ---------  Private sector  - # . Private sector - set four specific priorities      ------- Technique ---------- Knowledge ----------- Design ------------ Finacial resolve as well.  Private sector mising under the hygo framework Action . #. Understand the disaster risk . #.Strengthering disaster risk govt. to manage disaster risk. #. Higher  investment for disaster risk reduction BECAUSE its beneficial in build of local community . govt. invest in cyclone  approach in coastal area so village will grow self relience. # DDMA-- District disaster management authority -is a third fair of disaster management system will hi

2nd Agency -- Hygo Framework for Action 2005--2015

  2nd Agency -- Hygo Framework for Action 2005--2015 Completely Different form -- the yokohoama suggestion . # 5 five specific Priorities #. Focus on disaster risk reduction of priorities . #. Focus early information  & Early warning . #. Building a culture of safety & resilience . #. Reducing disaster in critical sector        [ Nuclear power , transportation ] #. Strengthering preparedness for [ during response .] Breakout by HYGO Framework TDRM cycle * Total disaster risk management . Wroten by Hygo framework for action . #. Involves --- Pro - action approach towards govt. #. Holistic Programme #. Intergrated approach -- all force #. Community modal of risk reduction . #. Hazards assesment #. Risk management #. Understanding vulnerable as well #. Capicity building                          --- Prevention                         --- Mitigation                         --- Prepadness ok friends today we have done hygo framework for action and next artic

Yokohoma strategy for a safer world ----1994

  Yokohoma strategy for a safer world ----1994 The First  World  Conference on Natural Disasters in  Yokohama , Japan from May 23 to 27,  1994 , adopted the  Yokohama Strategy for a Safer World : Guidelines for Natural Disaster Prevention, Preparedness and Mitigation and its  Plan of  Action, endorsed by the UN General Assembly in  1994 . #. Create curiosity and step towards traditional to modern risk reduction strategy [ global culture ] #. its only govt. civil society as well which focus in prevention mitigation & predecation . #. Building self reliance among weaker section & weaker community . # this is includes develop & under develop country specially small island state [sis] because these state largely vulnerable to natural disaster . #. maldeep morises or island of specific ocean this is very beneficial india like country which are  very large population . #. Capicity building --- Awareness of society                          ----educate the public          

UN- Disaster Management

  UN - Disaster    Management    ---#. Yokohama strategy --1994 ---------#. Hyogo strategy  --------2005 ---------#. Sendai framework ----2015 Introduction  of    UN-Disaster Management  from 1990-- 2010 two decades . # . Prevalance of traditional Approach prior\ to 1990s. * In the traditional approach - modern no.have any kind of pre -disaster ,during disaster & Post disaster Prevention actually all authority can wait for hit the disaster of population . #. Only fo-cous on emergency response  #. Global give Ad- hac Response . #. Modern technology & machinary did-not Recognised . #.Un began to recognised modern method & technique . #. Role of Environment & social economic development . #. Un began motivate to deal with Environment deal with climate change as well  #. Disaster Risk Reduction  *. 1992-Rio Earth  summit  is mother of Environment related convention which deal today sustainable development & reduce to demage life & property . -- UNFCCC -climate chang

Dust storms & Forest fire

                           Dust storms  Dust storms --Extreme weather event is coused by medeological phinomina tem.Presu. April-----------may --------2018 Ex . Rajasthan , hariyana ,UP, NCR region . more then 100+ people death 300 people injured . During the summer month .[ north west india.] caused --- westen distarbance thander-strome                    outcome pressure change condition in atmosphere                 II.Forest fire \ wildfire  *Tropical country -- High  --- Decidous forest region  ----India is country to sustainable of forest fire . --- special westen + east ghat & central part of          india  ----Himalyan belt low change of fire because is located sub tropical region . Nilgiri -- highly sustainable                -special bondipuly tiger reserve .               -Nagardde tiger reserve in karnatka                - TN , KERELA . These region highly sustainable during the summer month. 2018march---- Theri dist. TN  Coused -- High tem.              

Cyclone Part 02

                         Cyclone part 02 # Risk Reduction Cyclone  * Prevention steps-          ---IMD-Indian monotraning Department -Tracking cyclone , movement , time & place . * Real time Alert - Disseminat alert . * Pre.disaster page - cyclone shelter ,moving people to another place from effected place . * Rediness of Response  *  Reconstruction  Ex-- 2013- Cyclone -philiphince         2014-cyclone - hudhund         2018-cyclone - Ockhi [ bay of bengal ]        2020-cyclone -amphal  Effected east coast did not in highly loss of human life -main region was india detected disaster management machanery . which was created past 2005. # India early warning system functioning very well . effected -- Odisha , ap , WB. # All the institute work very well . but didnot prevented infrastructure should loss of life break down highly . But 2018 cyclone ochhi -- generated                                            -- galf of mannar  * Effected -india + shri lanka - maldeep  ex. 2019 kerela -

Cyclone Part 01

                            Cyclone Part 01  Cyclone --Extreme weather event. Occurs -- Mostly in north indian ocean  such as-- Bay of bengal , Arabian sea . Cyclone -- Extreme weather event due to sudden changes in temp. Presure. and atmosphere . Cyclone make landfall which generally very heavy rainfall as well . These high speed wind make very extenssive demage in coastal area . Caused -- Flood the reason                 high speed wind trigar                 infrastructure , small house , life ,and                    aquatic animal  Hazard map of india --cyclone  That' why east coast of india most demage in compensive to west coast of state . cyclone occurs both the region during the mansoon season both pre and post mansoon as well. 1. May to jun  2. september  3. Oct---and -- NOV During oct--nov -- very high intensive cyclone .and very high demage in east coaste. During these time tropical cyclone occurs in both region . Oct-- Nov -- High power or super cyclone during this pe


                           Landslide   # Generally occurs in mountain area. Landslide ---- Sudden spill down of sand {dabary} , soil material from high mountain region to down words slop. Effect --- Life , infrastructure ,& biodiversity . most effected -- Road & train -line  __# Mountain region cultivate --bevarage  crop  {like - Tea ,coffee ,pulses crop similar loss in agriculture sector . #. its trigar due to Natural and man made activity . Earthquake , floods , heavy rainfall .which can contribute to landslide . # Problem - soil erosion due to deforestation . Human factor - -                           -- Deforestation                          ---Overexploitation                          --- Unsustainable agriculture                          ---- Rampant Construction Hazard map - --                             ---- Himalya belt                              ---- Westen ghat                             -----Eaten ghat # Himalya -- J& K , Himanchal,uttrakhand many time hi

Floods Part 02

                           Floods Part 02 # Bihar and bengal  mostly effected by Ganga river and its tributries  Assam---- by bramhaputra  10% area of land after flooding during the mansoon season . #Rajasthan  & gujrat is also involves in flood  but its not based on heavy high rain fall .but actualy region is that poor drainage system . # Institute which work for flood control & Management  * Early warning -CWC-central water commision { NOdal institute }is monitor all the india the flood level measure all the river & reserwire in india . * flood alert - , fore-coast ---central water commision coordination with IMD . ISRO --- ALSO PROVIDE THE SATELITE RAINFALL & MANSOON RELATED ACTIVITY . Early warning & fore-casting ---CWC-IMD-ISRO   #Human induced factor #.Encrrachment of Drainage area  Management ---                     ------MDMA                     ------MHA-ministry of homo affaire                      -------MAWR-Ministry of water resource  these authorit

Floods Part 01

                         Floods Part 01 Risk & Vunerability  FLOOD -- Caring capisity of water body is over-well . When extra water is sprill out of the drunle system . # NO. of factor which responsible for reduce carrying capisity of water body. * Excessive rainfall *cyclone ,tsunami * landslide -blocking the river                    These are come under natural factor . # Human induced factor   * Encrrachment of drainage area. * Urban flooding  flood control V\S water management  it can use for ---- Irrigation                          -----factory                          ----- vegetation ect. * water disposal in urban area. ex. Chennai , mumbai , uttrakhand -2013 kerela 2018 Region--- Large scale deforestation               ---distruction of the ecosystem               ----increase industrial activity  NDMA---Release floods map  most of the area in india -----floods effect mainly two region ---which given below ------       * Indo- Gangetic brahmaputra region        * krishna

Tsunamis Part 02

                                                     Tsunami partr02 India is a assisstence for small country which will possiblity by Tsunamis in 2004 Indian ocean tsunami , shri lanka , indonesia  # Give three kind od information is part of foregian policy --------                           * SAARC                           * BIMSTEC                           * IORA  high association operation for building of disaster .. # India also work with USA because USA maintain global network of seusor .which will help early prediction of tsunami . #. India has also invest for science & technology for prediction of these kind of tsunami and other disaster . INCOIS-is associate with IMD state to immidatly give alert of coastal population . RIMES- Region intigreted multi hazard early warning system ---headquator -Thiland . ok friends today we have done Tsunami all part...................................................................pk25ng

Tsunamis Part. 01

                                 Tsunamis -- under water earthquake . # Increase extremely long wavelength . #. Mostly occure in deep ocean\sea { shallow water - height increase 10-13 m # Tsunamis wavelength generated in deep sea or ocean & height will very less as well as hit the coastal population  #.Tsunamis velocity is spread very fast rate . # sometimes 800km/h when it hit the coast line the velocity decrease . Landslide velocity activity -------all for these earthquake is responsible meteor strike Risk-- Coastal location        --Provimiting to fault line       --Coastal flood --attampt -drawwing death              of coastal  population #. Destroyed ----                        Infrastructure                         fishing village                        small house                       Road ,power- line  connection Ex. Fukkashima disaster -- massive water population                                  ---Disease is also after