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Cyclone Part 02

                         Cyclone part 02 # Risk Reduction Cyclone  * Prevention steps-          ---IMD-Indian monotraning Department -Tracking cyclone , movement , time & place . * Real time Alert - Disseminat alert . * Pre.disaster page - cyclone shelter ,moving people to another place from effected place . * Rediness of Response  *  Reconstruction  Ex-- 2013- Cyclone -philiphince         2014-cyclone - hudhund         2018-cyclone - Ockhi [ bay of bengal ]        2020-cyclone -amphal  Effected east coast did not in highly loss of human life -main region was india detected disaster management machanery . which was created past 2005. # India early warning system functioning very well . effected -- Odisha , ap , WB. # All the institute work very well . but didnot prevented infrastructure should loss of life break down highly . But 2018 cyclone ochhi -- generated                                            -- galf of mannar  * Effected -india + shri lanka - maldeep  ex. 2019 kerela -

Cyclone Part 01

                            Cyclone Part 01  Cyclone --Extreme weather event. Occurs -- Mostly in north indian ocean  such as-- Bay of bengal , Arabian sea . Cyclone -- Extreme weather event due to sudden changes in temp. Presure. and atmosphere . Cyclone make landfall which generally very heavy rainfall as well . These high speed wind make very extenssive demage in coastal area . Caused -- Flood the reason                 high speed wind trigar                 infrastructure , small house , life ,and                    aquatic animal  Hazard map of india --cyclone  That' why east coast of india most demage in compensive to west coast of state . cyclone occurs both the region during the mansoon season both pre and post mansoon as well. 1. May to jun  2. september  3. Oct---and -- NOV During oct--nov -- very high intensive cyclone .and very high demage in east coaste. During these time tropical cyclone occurs in both region . Oct-- Nov -- High power or super cyclone during this pe


                           Landslide   # Generally occurs in mountain area. Landslide ---- Sudden spill down of sand {dabary} , soil material from high mountain region to down words slop. Effect --- Life , infrastructure ,& biodiversity . most effected -- Road & train -line  __# Mountain region cultivate --bevarage  crop  {like - Tea ,coffee ,pulses crop similar loss in agriculture sector . #. its trigar due to Natural and man made activity . Earthquake , floods , heavy rainfall .which can contribute to landslide . # Problem - soil erosion due to deforestation . Human factor - -                           -- Deforestation                          ---Overexploitation                          --- Unsustainable agriculture                          ---- Rampant Construction Hazard map - --                             ---- Himalya belt                              ---- Westen ghat                             -----Eaten ghat # Himalya -- J& K , Himanchal,uttrakhand many time hi

Floods Part 02

                           Floods Part 02 # Bihar and bengal  mostly effected by Ganga river and its tributries  Assam---- by bramhaputra  10% area of land after flooding during the mansoon season . #Rajasthan  & gujrat is also involves in flood  but its not based on heavy high rain fall .but actualy region is that poor drainage system . # Institute which work for flood control & Management  * Early warning -CWC-central water commision { NOdal institute }is monitor all the india the flood level measure all the river & reserwire in india . * flood alert - , fore-coast ---central water commision coordination with IMD . ISRO --- ALSO PROVIDE THE SATELITE RAINFALL & MANSOON RELATED ACTIVITY . Early warning & fore-casting ---CWC-IMD-ISRO   #Human induced factor #.Encrrachment of Drainage area  Management ---                     ------MDMA                     ------MHA-ministry of homo affaire                      -------MAWR-Ministry of water resource  these authorit

Floods Part 01

                         Floods Part 01 Risk & Vunerability  FLOOD -- Caring capisity of water body is over-well . When extra water is sprill out of the drunle system . # NO. of factor which responsible for reduce carrying capisity of water body. * Excessive rainfall *cyclone ,tsunami * landslide -blocking the river                    These are come under natural factor . # Human induced factor   * Encrrachment of drainage area. * Urban flooding  flood control V\S water management  it can use for ---- Irrigation                          -----factory                          ----- vegetation ect. * water disposal in urban area. ex. Chennai , mumbai , uttrakhand -2013 kerela 2018 Region--- Large scale deforestation               ---distruction of the ecosystem               ----increase industrial activity  NDMA---Release floods map  most of the area in india -----floods effect mainly two region ---which given below ------       * Indo- Gangetic brahmaputra region        * krishna

Tsunamis Part 02

                                                     Tsunami partr02 India is a assisstence for small country which will possiblity by Tsunamis in 2004 Indian ocean tsunami , shri lanka , indonesia  # Give three kind od information is part of foregian policy --------                           * SAARC                           * BIMSTEC                           * IORA  high association operation for building of disaster .. # India also work with USA because USA maintain global network of seusor .which will help early prediction of tsunami . #. India has also invest for science & technology for prediction of these kind of tsunami and other disaster . INCOIS-is associate with IMD state to immidatly give alert of coastal population . RIMES- Region intigreted multi hazard early warning system ---headquator -Thiland . ok friends today we have done Tsunami all part...................................................................pk25ng

Tsunamis Part. 01

                                 Tsunamis -- under water earthquake . # Increase extremely long wavelength . #. Mostly occure in deep ocean\sea { shallow water - height increase 10-13 m # Tsunamis wavelength generated in deep sea or ocean & height will very less as well as hit the coastal population  #.Tsunamis velocity is spread very fast rate . # sometimes 800km/h when it hit the coast line the velocity decrease . Landslide velocity activity -------all for these earthquake is responsible meteor strike Risk-- Coastal location        --Provimiting to fault line       --Coastal flood --attampt -drawwing death              of coastal  population #. Destroyed ----                        Infrastructure                         fishing village                        small house                       Road ,power- line  connection Ex. Fukkashima disaster -- massive water population                                  ---Disease is also after