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Tsunamis Part. 01



-- under water earthquake .
# Increase extremely long wavelength .
#. Mostly occure in deep ocean\sea { shallow water - height increase 10-13 m

# Tsunamis wavelength generated in deep sea or ocean & height will very less as well as hit the coastal population 

#.Tsunamis velocity is spread very fast rate .
# sometimes 800km/h when it hit the coast line the velocity decrease .

velocity activity -------all for these earthquake is responsible
meteor strike

Risk-- Coastal location
       --Provimiting to fault line
      --Coastal flood --attampt -drawwing death              of coastal  population

#. Destroyed ----

                        fishing village
                       small house
                      Road ,power- line  connection
Ex. Fukkashima disaster -- massive water population
                                 ---Disease is also after                                                   disaster

Vulnerablity of Tsunamis
                                 -+ West caste India
                                --+ East coast  India
both a-re vulnerable ob tsunami accident
EX.-  1800-1950 Bengal Problem -MInDisasteror ancidents

    2004- Indian ocean tsunamis Sumantrra

effected -- Andman & nicobar , east south state ,andra tamilnadu ,shi lanka as well as malodeep
african east part because tsunami spread thousands of km

2004 disaster -which motivated the govt. make comprehensive framework to deal with natural disaster .

2005-disaster management act --Direct outcome after 2004 indian ocean Tsunami
-so india have vulnerable of coastal line 7500km 

- west east of tsunami is low effect compare to east coast of india .
Institution - Related to disaster risk reduction --Tsunami

#. Early warning & forecast system --
track the movement calculate speed and height of the coave .

INCOIS--Indian Nation Center of Ocean Information Service
dIsseminating the information immedatly ------take precuation

IMD , NDMA----Disaster management mechanism all the dist. of coastal area receive real time risk

DDMA ---Dist. Disaster management Authorty

after 2004--Coastal dist. motivated & give facility like ---
-loud speaker
local media
mobile communication

# move fast of population 3km from coastal area
These kind of prevention definatly decrease the economics and human life and infrastructure as well .

NDRF--- National Disaster Resuqe force ---Amy force --Navy , Airforce ,coast guard .
NDRF-- its a batenial name --have special training saficiant Resource to deal with Tsunami .-- Recreate job opportunity

#. Dissimination system -- Real time alert
# Being prepared to deal with disaster means post disaster facility ..

Today we have done half part of Tsunami .next article is aslo related to same topic but Tsunami Part 02.



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