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Disaster management cycle Part 01

                Disaster management cycle

Ok friends let's go and be discussed today disaster management cycle

Pre --disaster plan and also works in disaster risk reduction 

preparedness-- mean pre-planning need to understand pre disaster phase understand hazard risk and vulnerability of particular country

Difference between disaster and hazard

#. earthquake 


#. floods

Which direct effect to community ,community does not have resources to recover 

#. Hazard is turn into disaster when the huge resource distroyed 

#. aften coastal village highly effected by disaster 

            ex. Earthquake 


some time not effected of human life and living habitat when hazard taking place in unhabitat region 

#. Vulnerability profile and Hazard map 

Every country divided into different region some are habitat and some are un habitat region .

ao Vulnerability profile is helf in prevention and pre- aplanning 

for ex. Prevention , mitigation ,and preparedness  

lets understand what actually meaning of these one by one 

1.Prevention --in this we would need to understand hazard map and vulnerability profile ,understand the drilling system in term of floods and we also prevent the landslide , and aforestation by the helf of hazard map 

2.Mitigation ---those disaster which cannot prevent like-Earthquake and volcano so we need to earthquake resistant constraction in those area also it helf when we have hazard map ,vulnerability profile as well as identify the zone ..these step definatly reduce the risk of disaster .

3.Preparedness ---which means Early warning ,fore coasting before disaster .warning is date with time .

NDMA---National disaster Response force 

have different betanial which help dio9fferent kind of disaster give training by particular authorty 

Civil sociaty Organization is also help these type of creatical  condition .....

ok my dear friends today we have done disaster management cycle part 01

next article is also related to same topic but part 02........................................

                                                  ..........THANK YOU   


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