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Disaster management cycle part 02

Disaster management cycle part 02

 OK friends lets go and discuss --------

During and post disaster phases ?

During a disaster  which kind of ataintion taking by people ----

#.Emergency response --civilian with defence force ,dist. collector ,Army force .

#. Search and rescue ---Civilian with defence authority .

#. Medical Aid --- 


POST Disaster Phase ---

# Damage assessment ---means count the no. of death,injury,property,govt.buiding

Based on these we would need to design --Recovery planning 
rehablitation & Reconstruction 

Now lets understand about rehabalitation and Reconstruction one by one 
Rehablitation --- means established the habitat again .

and now Reconstruction -- Count the no. of building and quickly start Reconstruction .

#. Recovery ---compensation in form of house ,crop, and livestock ,material demage death and injury people 

in form of Transport  ----Reconstruction Road , RAILWAY,AIRPORT ETC.

IN FORM OF COMMUNICATION -----Mobile network ,and internet connectivity 

and creat long term plan ..

thats why we need different kind of govt. policy ,authorty ,institution as well as act ..\

Disaster risk reduction ---DM cycle which helf to reduce the disaster risk .
with the help of DM cycle we can easily measure risk & reduction of disaster 


Lets understand three things---which are givin below

# Risk Reduction 
# Quick Response 
 # Recovery 

Risk Reduction ----

* Create legal & institutional framework 
* Hazard & vulnerability analysis 
* planning for risk reduction 
* capacity building of community and govt.agancies 
* adapt. risk reduction technique 
* early warning 
* using financial instrument 

* Resque and relief 
*role of civilian and defence force 
*monitering evolution 

* planned recovery 
*focus on weaker section 

thanx to all meet next day in plateform but with another Article related to disaster management ............subscribe to our youtube channel pk25ng ......thank you

the heading of next day article--- classification of disaster ..


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