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Type of disaster { Man made Disaster }

                          Man made disaster

# Industrial disasters 

# chemical disaster 

# biological disaster 

# Radiological disaster 

# Nuclear Disaster

# CBRN Hazards 

* Industrial Disaster ---high temperature  & higher pressure boilers & turmances ...

industrial required high temperature & stream exposser or release those boiler & turmances effected highly in worker & economy property  & infrastructure .

Toxic substance -- from bio tech sector 

                                 Poisonous gas & chemical                                         leak those are effected living                                   world and environment 

Human life --------fertilizers industry , toxic                                         chemical,thermo-toxical                                           industry 

ex. 1984--Bhopal gas threagty  where release methyle -Iso cynete -No. of people death and injury as well as disable due to this .

effect-- Disable & genetic disorder because is long term effection 

NIPC---- Public sector unit plant ----UP boiled explosure effect --no. of worker .

And current Andra pradesh 2020---where also no . of people effected due to this 

# MInes ---effected -collapse ,flooding .

# Oil spill--demage coastal animal occures due to ship accident 

                     ex.--Port of ennore in Chennai 

                            coast of mumbai

CBRN hazards ---Due to war & conflict 

                              chemical and biological                                            weapon during war .

security and intelligent agencies is part of response mechanism ..Defence ministry , Army , intelligent agency is play important role 

ex.---2001 Anthrax biological agent biological disaster 

# Radiological & nuclear ---Hiroshima &nagasaki effect 

Ex.--Chinibal disaster in sobiyat union --three mine-island accident .

2010--Rdioactive leakage in delhi maypodi market { india]

2nd ex.-- Fuccasema region in japan 

chemical -- syrian civil war 

                  vietnam war , world war 

# Biological --- Plague [ world war \ cold war ]

                         Anthrax [ 9\11 in USA ]

# Nuclear ----- Hiroshima & nagasaki bomb 

Today we have done All kind of Man made disaster i hope you like . submit your E-mail in E-mail subcription for daily notification ------thank you so much ----------------------------Pk25ng 


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