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National level institute (NEC) & (SEC)

 National level institute 

#.National Executive commite [NEC)


Power and Functions of National Executive Committee

(1) As per the section 10(1) of Disaster Management Act, 20015, the National Executive Committee shall assist the National Authority in the discharge of its functions and have the responsibility for implementing the policies and plans of the National Authority and ensure the compliance of directions issued by the Central government for the purpose of disaster management in the country.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions contained in sub-section (1), the National Executive Committee may--

Act as the coordinating and monitoring body for disaster management;

Prepare the National Plan to be approved by the National Authority;

Coordinate and monitor the implementation of the National Policy;

Lay down guidelines for preparing disaster management plans by different Ministries or Departments of the Government of India and the State Authorities;

Provide necessary technical assistance to the State Governments and the State Authorities for preparing their disaster management plans in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the National Authority;

Monitor the implementation of the National Plan and the plans prepared by the Ministries or Departments of the Government of India;

Monitor the implementation of the guidelines laid down by the National Authority for integrating of measures for prevention of disasters and mitigation by the Ministries or Departments in their development plans and projects;

Monitor, coordinate and give directions regarding the mitigation and preparedness measures to be taken by different Ministries or Departments and agencies of the Government;

Evaluate the preparedness at all governmental levels for responding to any threatening disaster situation or disaster and give directions, where necessary, for enhancing such preparedness;

Plan and coordinate specialised training programme for disaster management for different levels of officers, employees and voluntary rescue workers;

Coordinate response in the event of any threatening disaster situation or disaster;

lay down guidelines for, or give directions to, the concerned Ministries or Departments of the Government of India, the State Governments and the State Authorities regarding measures to be taken by them in response to any threatening disaster situation or disaster;

Require any department or agency of the Government to make available to the National Authority or State Authorities such men or material resources as are available with it for the purposes of emergency response, rescue and relief;

Advise, assist and coordinate the activities of the Ministries or Departments of the Government of India, State Authorities, statutory bodies, other governmental or non-governmental organisations and others engaged in disaster management;

Provide necessary technical assistance or give advice to the State Authorities and District Authorities for carrying out their functions under this Act;

Promote general education and awareness in relation to disaster management; and

Perform such other functions as the National Authority may require it to perf#.State Executive Commitee  [ SEC

NEC- *. NEC-is headed by chairperson of union home secretary
         [ senior IAS officers ]
*. He will establised by secretary of all related ministries -NDMA is also part of it.
*.it has re-Presentation from the Army forces as well.
[ Inti-grated  chief of staff will be represented NEC.]
*.Executive is organ of NDMA.
*. NEC- is ensuring complince for the order which all essues by NDMA.
*.Monitor implementation guideline which are given by NDMA.
*. take coordination with state holder for try to insure that NDMA guideline action are implementation on the ground .
*. NEC-Prepare the NDM plan -1 which are adopted by india in 2015.
*. NDM-plan is based on NDM policy which are given by NDMA.

#State disaster management authority [SDMA]

*Its headed by chief minister of respective state .
*. its will lay down policy & plan for DM in the state .
Droped state DM policy --
State DM plan ----------

State executive commitee -same pinomina a work as a central level but SEC work in state level.

#.Structure of SEC
-Will be headed by Chief secretary  of respective state senior most IAS officer .
under his leadership the state executive commite will function to               Q SDMA monitor to all activity of state level .
- SEC give the report to NDMA OR NEC .



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